Monday, April 19, 2010

The Leaning Tower of Cheeza

A few weeks ago we went outside of Rome to a place in the countryside where they make cheese. The cheese maker adds an enzyme to the cheese in order to make it. This enzyme comes from lamb organs. In order to make the ricotta they cook it twice.
People from the state come to check the cheese for quality. If it passes, they brand it and then it can be sold. This is to protect the cheese maker’s authenticity and quality of the cheese. The cheese can be labeled as a specific type and it makes it very difficult for others to copy it. Therefore, the cheese is protected in its region.
In big industries, the producers often do not know where the milk comes from. This causes every cheese to become very similar because the individual cheeses lose their unique characteristics. It is different in this small cheese farm in Italy because they have more control over their inputs. For example, the cheese is made with raw milk because it does not need to be pasteurized. Consequently the cheese always comes out good and unique because the animals eat different things.
This day was a lot of fun. I enjoyed seeing the animals and experiencing the cheese production process. Unfortunately, I did not like the cheese. It was too salty and I did not enjoy the texture of it in my mouth.

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